课程名称 | 地方文化外译 | ||
学 院 | 37000Cm威尼斯官网 | 专 业 | 翻译专业、英语专业 |
学 分 | 2 | 学 时 | 34 |
课程性质 | 专业任选 | ||
课程内容 简 介 | 《地方文化外译》为威尼斯官网翻译专业的专业任选课程,是一门侧重社会实践和应用的课程,突出体现翻译的“实践性原则”和学校应用型人才培养目标,本课程开设在第7学期,共34学时,2学分。 本课程旨在从对外文化传播的视角引导学生学习和探讨绍兴地方文化翻译的原则、实践技巧和策略,加强基本知识、基本技能和“五育”素质的培养,重视对学生创新精神与实践能力的培养,提高学生翻译实践能力。课程通过带领学生调研不同地方的特色文化、研读文化外译论文、翻译地方文化文献等课堂课后实践活动,让学生理解地方文化外译的目标、原则,掌握文化翻译的实用技巧。本课程要求学生在教师引导下,利用已有的语言知识和技能、跨文化交际知识、文化传播知识和基本翻译技巧,通过大量真实素材的翻译训练,积累翻译经验,总结翻译策略和方法,进一步提高翻译实践能力打下更扎实基础,从而突出对学生社会适应性的培养,为未来就业打下良好基础。 | ||
课程目标 | 思政目标:通过本课程的学习激发学生对中国文化和地方文化的兴趣,从而建立文化自信,民族自信,并通过翻译传播中国和地方的文化,讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音。并在翻译中树立正确的人生观和价值观,培养创新精神和工匠精神。 知识目标:了解中国和地方文化的精华,掌握相关有中国特色词汇的英文翻译。 能力目标:提高翻译理论和翻译实践能力,参与绍兴等地方特色文化的翻译,增强中国和地方文化的对外宣传能力。 素养目标:增加学生自身中国文化的自身素养,在翻译中培养创新精神和精益求精的精神。 | ||
教学案例 设 计 | 教学案例设计(1) 一、教学内容:首先了解中国和地方文化外译的重要意义;其次,介绍当代文化外译特点和难点,了解“中国文化”和地方特色文化的关系。 二、育人元素:习近平总书记指出: “要大力推进国际传播能力建设,加强话语体系建设,着力打造融通中外的新概念、新范畴、新表述,讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音。 软实力,国际竞争的核心,不仅是展示一个国家形象和内涵的载体,作为一种产业,也会带来强大的经济效益。
原文:东湖在绍兴古城东约六公里处,以崖壁、岩洞、石桥、湖面巧妙结合,成为著名园林,是浙江省的三大名湖之一。东湖虽小,但因它的奇石、奇洞所构成的奇景使东湖成为旅游业界人士公认的罕见的“湖中之奇”。 参考译文:East Lake, 6 km from historic Downtown Shaoxing, is one of most famous lakes in Zhejiang. It is a famous garden featuring with a combination of lake, stone bridges, cliff walls, and caves. Small as it is, it is publicly known as “a wonder in lakes” for its unique stones, cliffs,and caves. 反面典型译文: East Lake is about six kilometers east of the ancient city of Shaoxing. It is a clever combination of cliff walls, caves, stone bridge and lake to become a famous garden. It is one of the three famous lakes in Zhejiang Province.Although the East Lake is small, but because of its strange stones and caves, the East Lake has become the recognized rare "lake wonder" in the tourism industry.
“绍兴水乡”--water city; water town; a city of water; a city of rivers and lakes 鲁迅故里: Lu Xun Native Place Lu Xun’s Home in Shaoxing Lu Xun’s Former Residence
学生们对地方文化外译的兴趣增加了,并可以有意识的运用以前学生的翻译理论和技巧进行相关翻译。但在汉英对比特别是思维方式的差异不太敏感,更不会运用在翻译中。 教学案例设计(2)
通过客观的中英的对比,增强文化自信的同时,尊重差异。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 兰亭是东晋著名书法家,书圣王羲之的园林住所,是一座晋代园林。相传春秋时期越王勾践曾在此植兰,汉时设驿亭,故名兰亭。现位于绍兴西南兰渚山下。(古代驿站供行旅休息的地方。) Located at the foot of Lanzhu Mountain, northwest of Shaoxing, the Orchid Pavilion ( known as Lanting in Chinese) was a private garden of Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in Jin Dynasty( A.D 266-420 ). Legend has it that, Gou Jian(?-B.C.464), the King of Yue in the Spring and Autumn Period had orchids planted here, and set up a post pavilion for travelers to have a rest. That is how it got its name.
在优慕课上分享绍兴或其它有地方特色的词,并试试给出其翻译。如: 黄酒 huangjiu / yellow rice wine 酱鸭 sauced duck 仓桥直街 Cangqiao Street 八字桥 Bazi QiaoBridge 越王勾践 Goujian, King of Yue
通过比较系统的进行汉英语言的对比,学生的思维方式打开了,解决了很多中式思维的问题。但还需要多练,并学会举一反三的总结。 教学案例设计(3) 一、教学内容:社会文化概况专题:历史地理 二、育人元素:爱国情怀,民族自豪,了解中国国家地理文化知识和绍兴文化 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 国家概况 中华人民共和国是世界上最大的国家之一,是一个有中国特色的社会主义国家,同时也是目前世界上最大的一个发展中国家。中国位于亚洲的东部,有许多邻国。北面和东北面有蒙古、俄罗斯和朝鲜;南面有越南、老挝、泰国和菲律宾;西面和西南面有缅甸、印度、尼泊尔 、不丹(和巴基斯坦;东面有日本。中国幅员辽阔,陆地面积有九百六十万平方千米。它有34个省、直辖市和自治区,首都北京位于华北。现在,中国人口超过14亿,占世界总人口的1/4。 The People's Republic of China is one of the largest countries in the world. It is a socialist country with its own characteristics and the biggest developing country in the world by far.China lies in the east of Asia.It has a number of neighboring countries. To the north and northeast are the Mongolia,Russia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK). To the south are Vietnam,Laos,Thailand and the Philippines.To the west and southwest are Burma,India,Nepal ,Bhutan and Pakistan.To the east is Japan.China is a country with a vast land territory over 9,600,000 square kilometers.It consists of 34 provinces,autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Beijing,which is situated in the North China, is its capital. Now China has a population of more than 1.4 billion, making up a quarter of the world population. 在浙江省中北部杭州湾南岸,有一座江南水乡——绍兴。绍兴东连宁波市,南临台州市和金华市,西接杭州市,北隔钱塘江与嘉兴市相望。 【version1】On the South Bank of Hangzhou Bay in the north central part of Zhejiang Province, there is a water town in the south of the Yangtze River - Shaoxing. Shaoxing connects Ningbo in the East, Taizhou and Jinhua in the south, Hangzhou in the West and Jiaxing across the Qiantang River in the north. 【version2】On the south bank of Hangzhou Bay in the mid northern part of Zhejiang Province, lies a water city – Shaoxing, with Ningbo on the East, Taizhou and Jinhua on the south, Hangzhou on the west and Jiaxing over the Qiantang River to the north. 教学过程: 1.小组以地方文化为主题做翻译presentation,并请同学点评翻译的技巧和准确性 2.学习本专题相关词汇和句式表达,以及翻译背景相关的文化知识,培养学生的翻译思维 3.段落翻译练习:组织课堂翻译练习,并请学生现场进行翻译分析,老师随后进行点评以及展示分析参考译文供学生学习赏析。 教学总结: 习近平总书记指出:中华文明经历了5000多年的历史变迁,但始终一脉相承,积淀着中华民族最深层的精神追求,代表着中华民族独特的精神标识,为中华民族生生不息、发展壮大提供了丰厚滋养。中华文明是在中国大地上产生的文明,也是同其他文明不断交流互鉴而形成的文明。 本专题通过对历史地理专题词汇和段落篇章学与练,一方面巩固学生的翻译策略和技巧,另一方面培养学生的爱国情怀核民族自豪感,提高学生中国国家地理文化知识和绍兴文化的了解,从而更好的使中国文化传播出去。 教学案例设计(4) 一、教学内容:社会文化概况专题二:文化符号 二、育人元素:爱国情怀,民族自豪,了解中国国家地理文化知识和绍兴文化 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 中国传统服装 汉服,是指“汉民族传统服饰”。汉服以蚕丝(silk)为主要面料,几千年来的总体风格以清淡平易为主,讲究天人合一。汉族古代的袍服(robe)最能体现这一风格,这种袍服的主要特点是宽袍,大袖。 汉服由于华夏儒家文化 (Confucian culture)的传播而影响深远。近些年,汉服再次在年轻人中流行起来,汉服爱好者自发举办活动,以此唤起人们对传统文化的认识。 Hanfu,full name is/also called “traditional clothing of Han ethnic group ”./,which/ Hanfu takes silk as the main fabric, and its overall style for thousands of years is light and plain, emphasizing the unity of man and nature. This style can be best reflected in the ancient robes of the Han Nationality. The main features of these robes are wide robes with large sleeves. Hanfu has a far-reaching influence due to the spread of Chinese Confucian culture. In recent years, Hanfu has once again become popular among young people, and Hanfu lovers/Hanfu enthusiast have organized spontaneous events to arouse people's awareness of traditional culture. 汉字是世界上最古老的文字之一,也是使用者最多的文字。汉字多达6万个,但常用的基本汉字只有6000个左右。据权威专家估计,汉字有5000多年的历史,最初源于记录事情的图片。 从古至今,从甲骨文到我们今天书写用的楷体,汉字的形式和结构发生了很大改变,最终成为一种兼具音、形、意、韵的独特文字。 历史上,汉字被朝鲜、日本、越南等国借鉴,因此也促进了国际交流。在现代,中国人民用各种方法将汉字输入电脑,进行信息处理。事实证明,汉字充满了生机与活力。 The Chinese characters are one of the oldest characters in the world, and have the largest number of users. Chinese characters are up to 60,000, but only about 6,000 basic ones are often used. As authorities estimate, Chinese characters have a history of over 5,000 years, and they originate from pictures for keeping records. From ancient to modern times,the forms and structures of Chinese characters have changed much, evolving from Jiaguwen (oracle bonescript),to Kaiti(regular script)we use now, and they have finally become a unique character system that embodies phonetic sound,shape,meaning,and tone. In history, Chinese characters were borrowed by Korea, Japan and Vietnam, thereby improving international communication. In modern times,Chinese people have 【by many means】 solved the problem of inputting Chinese characters into computers to serve information processing. It has been proved that Chinese characters are full of vigor and vitality. “芋饺”为绍兴市新昌县的传统风味小吃,有数百年的历史。新昌地处山区,旧时过年也难得吃上鱼鲜,“芋”与“鱼”谐音,山民逢年过节包上一些芋饺作肴,既慰思鱼之谗,又有年年有余之意。 Yujiao, or taro(芋头) dumpling, is a traditional snack in Shaoxing's Xinchang, where people seldom had fish in olden times since it is a mountainous county. The pronunciation of "yu"[ in "yujiao" ] is similar with the pinyin of fish, so local residents made some yujiao to wish for Niannian Youyu, or "Having a Surplus Every Year". The food is made with taro dough/doʊ/(面团) shaped into dumplings, which are then stuffed with minced/mɪnst/ meat(肉末) and vegetables before steaming. The dumplings taste tender and smooth and the soup has a refreshing and delicate taste. 四、教学过程: 1.小组以中国或地方文化为主题做翻译presentation,并请同学点评翻译的技巧和准确性 2.学习本专题相关词汇和句式表达,以及翻译背景相关的文化知识,培养学生的翻译思维 3.段落翻译练习:组织课堂翻译练习,并请学生现场进行翻译分析,老师随后进行点评以及展示分析参考译文供学生学习赏析。 五、教学总结: 文化符号是一个地区、一个民族、一个国家独特文化的抽象表现,是文化内涵的重要载体。通过本专题的翻译练习,学生不仅可以掌握相关词汇、巩固翻译策略和技巧,另一方面可以提高对中国文化和绍兴地方文化的了解,从而更好的使中国文化传播出去。 教学案例设计(5) 一、教学内容:社会文化概况专题三:名胜古迹 二、育人元素:爱国情怀,民族自豪,了解中国国家和绍兴地方名胜古迹 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 故宫 故宫,又名紫禁城,是明清24位皇帝统治中国近500年的皇宫。它位于北京市中心,在天安门广场的北侧,形状为长方形。南北长961米,东西宽753米,占地约72万平方米,总建筑面积达15万平方米。 故宫是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木构宫殿。它分为外朝和内廷两部分,外朝是皇帝上朝处理国家大事的地方,内廷是皇帝和皇室的居住地。1924年清朝末代皇帝被逐出故宫后,故宫于1925年变成了故宫博物院并对外开放。 The Imperial Palace, [also called the Forbidden City,]was the palace where the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for roughly 500 years. The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, on the northern side of Tian'anmen Square,rectangular in shape, 961 meters long from north to south and 753 meters wide from east to west,with an area of 720,000 square meters and a total floor space of 150,000 square meters. It's the world's largest and most integral palace made of wood in existence. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The outer court was the place where the emperors gave audience(觐见) and handled state affairs, while the inner court was the living quarters for the emperors and their families. The Palace was converted into a museum in 1925 and has been open to the public after the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty was driven out of (驱逐)the Palace in1924. 仓桥直街位于越子城历史街区内(Yuecheng district),是以古城风貌为特色的历史文化街道。老街主要有河道、民居区、石板道路(slabstone road)三部分组成;北起胜利西路,南达鲁迅西路,全长2.2公里。在这里随便问一个依着自家门闲坐的老人,她会告诉你她就是在身后的老屋里出生的,她的儿女也在这里出生。 Cangqiao Straight Street in Yuecheng district in Shaoxing, [East China's Zhejiang province,] is a historic and cultural street featuring unique ancient houses. The old street is composed of three main parts–the river, residential buildings and the slabstone road. It runs 2.2 kilometers from Shengli West Road in the north and reaches Luxun West Road in the south. An elderly woman sitting at her leisure by the gate would likely to tell you, if being asked, that she was born in this house, so were her children. 乌镇 乌镇位于浙江省桐乡市北段,是一座具有悠久历史的典型江南古镇。由于气候温暖潮湿,并且雨水和阳光充足,乌镇物产丰富,被誉为 “鱼米、丝绸之乡【富有xx】”。古镇中河流密布,人们沿河建造房屋,在石桥边建立集市,过着悠闲的生活。 现在,乌镇仍然拥有超过100公顷(hectares)的19世纪末期的建筑群( architecture complex)和10多座形态各异的古代石桥。 乌镇因其身后的历史文化、优美的水乡风景、独特的美食以及民俗而被称作反映江南水乡生活的“博物馆”【因果】。 Wuzhen, located in the north of Tongxiang City of Zhejiang province, is a typical ancient town with a long history in the south of the Yangtze River. Thanks to its warm and humid climate as well as abundant rainfalls and sunshine,Wuzhen is very productive and praised as"a land of fish,rice and silk". In such an(逻辑) ancient town with a dense network of rivers, people build their houses along the rivers, establish markets close to stone bridges and lead a leisurely life. There are still more than 100 hectares of architecture complex built in the late 19th century and more than 100 ancient stone bridges in different shapes. Wuzhen is called a museum reflecting the life of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River on account of its profound history and culture, beautiful water town scenery, unique delicious foods and folk custom.
1.小组以中国或地方文化为主题做翻译presentation,并请同学点评翻译的技巧和准确性 2.学习本专题相关词汇和句式表达,以及翻译背景相关的文化知识,培养学生的翻译思维 3.段落翻译练习:组织课堂翻译练习,并请学生现场进行翻译分析,老师随后进行点评以及展示分析参考译文供学生学习赏析。 五、教学总结: 中国幅员辽阔、历史悠久,通过学习名胜古迹相关的词汇和段落篇章翻译,我们不仅可以掌握相关词汇、和句式篇章的翻译策略和技巧,同时可以提高对中国和绍兴地方名胜古迹和建筑的了解,从而更好的使中国文化传播出去。 教学案例设计(6) 一、教学内容:传统文化专题之哲学宗教 二、育人元素:爱国情怀,民族自豪,了解中国国家和绍兴地方哲学宗教 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 儒家思想 儒家思想(Confucianism)有时候被当作一种宗教,但它更是一种伦理体系。孔子是儒家思想的创始人,孟子(Mencius)和荀子(Xunzi)都是先秦时期儒家学说的代表人物(representative?/delegate?),都对儒学的发展做出过巨大贡献。儒家思想的核心是“仁”(benevolence),主张仁爱之心是处理人际关系的有效方法。 孟子认为统治者应爱护人民,保障人民权利。荀子强调社会秩序和个人(personal?/ individual?)的努力。作为中国古代传统思想的主要流派,儒家思想对中国人的思想观念特别是价值观念有着极其深远的影响。 Confucianism is sometimes termed as a religion, but it is more of an ethical system. Confucius was the founder of Confucianism. Mencius and Xunzi were the representatives of Confucianism in the early Qin period, both of whom had made great contribution to the development of Confucianism. The core of Confucianism is benevolence /bəˈnevələns/,which maintains(主张+that从句) that the effective way to harmonize interpersonal relationship is benevolence.Mencius advocated that the rulers should love people and guarantee people's rights. Xunzi laid emphasis on social order and individual effort. As the main school of the traditional Chinese thinking in ancient times, Confucianism has an extremely far-reaching influence on Chinese ideology, values in particular. 墨子 墨子是(during?/in?)战国时期有名的哲学家、军事家(strategist)及科学家,墨家学派(Mohism /ˈməʊɪzəm/)的代表人物及创始人。墨子招收了很多学生,并向他们积极宣讲自己的学说。 他认为应当平等地去爱所有的人;他反对浪费,热爱劳动;他支持和平,反对战争。他在科学上的成就也被后人高度称赞。至今,墨子思想在中国乃至世界历史上仍闪烁着光芒。 Mozi was a well-known philosopher,strategist and scientist during the Warring States Period. He was also the founder and representative figure of the Mohism. Mozi recruited a large number of students,to whom he actively preached his theories(理论:true/false) and doctrines(信条:right/wrong). He believed that all people were meant to be loved equally. He had deep love for labor and opposed waste. And as a supporter of peace, he was against war. Mozi was highly praised by later generations because of his achievements in science. Up to now, his thoughts are still shining in both the Chinese history and even the history of the world. 阳明心学 说到王阳明的哲学思想,有两个重要的部分:如何用人们的思想来分析世界,以及如何通过人们的行为来改变世界。 首先,王认为人们应该通过内心思考世界,因为他们不需要学习就具有良知。但这并不意味着人们不需要研究外部世界,他认为人们还应该用自己的头脑来思考,而不仅仅是看外面世界的事物。 As for the philosophy of Wang Yangming, there are two important parts: how to analyse the world using our mind and how to change the world by our actions. First, Wang thinks that the world should be seen from inside of people’s hearts as they hold their conscience without learning,however,it doesn’t mean that people don’t need to study the outside world, as he believes that people should use their mind to think rather than just see the items in outside world. 四、教学过程: 1.小组以中国或地方文化为主题做翻译presentation,并请同学点评翻译的技巧和准确性 2.学习本专题相关词汇和句式表达,以及翻译背景相关的文化知识,培养学生的翻译思维 3.段落翻译练习:组织课堂翻译练习,并请学生现场进行翻译分析,老师随后进行点评以及展示分析参考译文供学生学习赏析。 五、教学总结: 在中国,中国哲学与宗教密不可分,具备良好的中国哲学和宗教沿革知识有助于我们了解和学习中国文化的方方面面。通过本专题的学习,学生一方面可以学习哲学宗教相关词汇以及句式篇章的翻译策略和技巧,同时可以提高对中国和绍兴地方哲学宗教文化背景的了解,从而更好的使中国文化传播出去。 教学案例设计(7)
三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 讲中国成员俗语故事:癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 有一个古老的传说:很久以前,王母娘娘开蟠桃会,邀请了各路神仙。蟾蜍仙也在被邀之列。蟾蜍仙在皇母娘娘的后花园内恰遇鹅仙女,被其美丽所倾倒,大动凡心。遭鹅仙呵斥并状告至皇母娘娘处。王母娘娘大怒,随手将嫦娥月宫中献来的月精盆砸向蟾蜍仙。罚其下界为蟾蜍(癞蛤蟆)。这就是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉的来历。 The story of a toad running after a swan 直译法:Legend has that the God of Toad was punished to go down to the World of Mortals by the Goddess of Heaven, for he flirted with the Fairy of Swan at the Peach Party. 意译法:Do something that is impossible. 套译(归化策略):Build a castle in the sky. 绍兴地方特色词及翻译 鲁迅故里 Lun Xun Native Place 鲁迅纪念馆 Lun Xun Memorial 三味书屋 Sanwei Study/ the Three Flaovor Study 百草园 Baicao Garden 臭豆腐 stinky tofu 绍三鲜 Shaoxing Soup 兰亭Lanting/the Orchid Pavilion 东湖 The East Lake 大禹陵 Dayu Mausoleum/the Mausoleum of Great Yu /Yu’s Tomb 仓桥直街 Cangqiao Street/ the Warehouse Bridge Street 沈园 Shen Yuan/Shen’s Garden 黄酒 Huangjiu / the yellow wine/ yellow rice wine 四、教学过程: 1.热身练习:绍兴地方文化特色词及翻译 2.通过实例归纳总结中国文化特色词的翻译策略 3.课堂翻译练习,巩固并活用如上翻译策略和翻译技巧。 4.作业:讲绍兴或地方特色的成语故事,如卧薪尝胆,西施浣纱,东施效颦等,录音上传到优慕课平台。 五、教学总结: 中国及地方文化特色词的翻译是文化外译中的一个重点和难点,掌握其翻译策略和翻译方法,为句子和语篇翻译打下良好的基础。在翻译的时候注意语篇和语境翻译,词的翻译也是动态的,不是一层不变的。 教学案例设计(8)
二、育人元素:通过对绍兴地方美食及其背后故事的了解,掌握中国美食名称和制作方法的翻译方法和技巧,以小见大,讲好中国老百姓生活中故事,让世界更好地了解中国。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 绍兴地方美食及翻译 1.臭豆腐:stinky toufu(直译“stinky” 将臭忠实译出,tofu采用音译) 2.梅干菜焖肉:braised pork with dried vegetables(“dried vegetables”使用松散复合法,并加以解释) 3.奶油小攀:cream pie(“攀”原意是pie的谐音,使用直译法,做到了音译与意译结合) 4.糟鸡:cold chicken cooked in wine(“cold chicken”直译了菜品中的主要食材,“cooked in wine”则解释了这道菜的做法) 5.酱鸭:duck in brown sauce (使用释义法将菜肴的外观解释翻译) 6.萝卜丝饼:Turnip strips cake(直译法) 7.醉蟹:drunken crabs(直译法) 8.木莲羹:Manglietia soup(直译法,Manglietia是木莲属的意思) 9.西施豆腐:Tofu Xish(Xishi,One of the four beauties of ancient China)采用直译法,音译法,并解释了西施的含义 10.臭(霉)苋菜梗:moldy amaranth stalks(直译法) 四、教学过程: 1.小组以中国或地方文化为主题做翻译presentation,并请同学点评翻译的技巧和准确性 2.学习掌握中国美食名称和制作方法的翻译方法和技巧。 3.绍兴美食名称和制作的翻译练习:组织课堂翻译练习,并请学生现场进行翻译分析,老师随后进行点评和分析。 五、教学总结: 中国美食是地域文化形成的产物。 地域文化是地方美食的根植土壤。 提炼最具地方特色的文化元素,形成以“我”为核心的优秀文化积淀,通过人们对食物的体验收获和广泛认同,并得到长时间的传承与发扬,是中华美食遍及华夏大地的原动力和重要拓展方式。掌握其翻译策略和翻译方法,对中国文化的对外传播有着至关重要的作用。 教学案例设计(9) 一、教学内容:传统文化篇-非物质文化 二、育人元素:爱国情怀,民族自豪,了解中国国家和绍兴地方非物质地方文化遗产,讲好中国故事,让中国文化走出去。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 绍兴非物质文化遗产之一:酱文化 酱香千年 Sauce Fragrance Lingers on 要酿出这样一瓶好的酱油,需要时间,更需要酿造师傅对时间节点的精准把握。 To brew a bottle of qualified soy sauce needs time, particularly the precise control of time point on the part of the brewmaster. 制酱的第一道工序是浸洗。 Soak is the first step of making soy sauce. 选取籽粒硕大、颗粒饱满、皮薄肉多、蛋白质含量高的优质黄豆,加水浸泡,使其充分吸水膨胀。 We need to select large, plump, qualified soybean with thin skin, thick flesh and high protein. Put the soybean into the water to let it fully soaked. 然后冲洗,沥干,蒸至熟透而不烂。 Then rinse, dry and steam it thoroughly. 静置至温热,搭配以一定比例的小麦、红曲、食盐等原料,调和均匀,手工处理成块状,一块一块安置于洁净的陶缸中,自然发酵。 Stand until warm, mix with a certain proportion of wheat, red koji, salt and other raw materials, and then harmonize evenly, manually processed into blocks, placed in a clean pottery jar, let it naturally ferment. 在强烈的日光照射下,缸内温度持续上升,发酵好的大豆微生物群迅速生长。 Under the intense sunlight, the temperature in the tank continued to rise, so that the fermented soybean microbial community grew rapidly. 而到了晚上,随着气温下降,缸内的温度也跟着降下来,这时酱汁得到浓缩,如此反复酱汁的营养含量越来越高,浓浓的酱香也随之散发。 In the evening, however, as the temperature drops, so does the temperature in the jar, and the sauce is already concentrated. This repetition makes the sauce more nutritious and fragrant. 就这样晒足180天,直至酱醅表面呈红褐色并有清香味儿,就算是成熟了。 In this way, sunning for 180 days, until the paste surface is reddish-brown and fragrant flavor, it is mature. 这个时候就要采用传统的人工压榨法,开始压榨,沥出酱油,装瓶使用。 And this is the time to use the traditional manual pressing method, start pressing, draining the soy sauce, bottling. 四、教学过程: 1.小组以中国或地方文化为主题做翻译presentation,并请同学点评翻译的技巧和准确性 2.学习和了解绍兴的非物质文化遗产的相关知识。 3.学习本专题相关词汇和句式表达。 4.段落翻译练习(《酱香千年》片段):组织课堂翻译练习,并请学生现场进行翻译分析,老师随后进行点评以及分析译文,并展示参考译文供学生学习赏析。 五、教学总结: 非物质文化遗产(Intangible Cultural Heritage),是指各族人民世代相传,并视为其文化遗产组成部分的各种传统文化表现形式,以及与传统文化表现形式相关的实物和场所。 非物质文化遗产是一个国家和民族历史文化成就的重要标志,是优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。掌握其翻译策略和翻译方法,对中国文化的对外传播有着至关重要的作用。 教学案例设计(10) 一、教学内容:当代社会篇-浙东唐诗之路 二、育人元素:“浙东唐诗之路”是中国文学史上一个专用名词,继丝绸之路、茶马古道之后的又一条文化古道。融合儒学佛道、诗歌书法、陶瓷茶艺、戏曲民俗、神话传说等为一体,其蕴含的历史文化价值,具备了世界文化遗产特征的区域文化路线,是极具人文景观特色、深含历史开创意义的区域文化。 通过对之了解和翻译,可以培养学生的爱国情怀,民族自豪,讲好中国故事,让中国文化走出去。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 1.松桂软炊玉粒饭,醯酱自调银色茄。(南宋、陆游) Stunning rice is made by burning the firewood of pine and bay tree; Silver eggplant is dressed by vinegar and soybean sauce. (Southern Song Dynasty、Lu You) 2.十月可酿酒,六月可作酱。折莲酿作醯,采豆治作酱。(南宋、陆游) October is the perfect time for making wine while June is for producing sauce.The vinegar is made from lotus while the soy sauce is made from beans.(Southern Song Dynasty、Lu You) 3.仰视碧天际,俯瞰绿水滨。寥闻无涯观,寓目理自陈。大矣造化工,万殊莫不均。羣籁岁参差,适我无非新。 Look up at the blue sky and overlook the green waterfront. There is no end to the news, and the allegory is self-explanatory. The chemical industry is uneven. The years are uneven, and it is nothing more than new for me. (Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Xizhi)
Under the forest, the pot beckoned guests to get drunk, and Du Yu persuaded people to return. Poor liquor green mountain is there, not drunk and not much wrong. (Northern Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan)
What is an immortal? I didn't see it. Drinking and having fun is enviable. (Ming Dynasty, Xu Wei)
Even if you buy a treasure knife, you can also exchange mink for wine; A warm blood is diligent and precious, and sprinkling can transform green wave. (Qing Dynasty, Qiu Jin)
Treat wine as a world, sir little wine man. The garden was still drunk, slightly drunk and self-sinking. This is the end of the day, from the preamble. When the clouds of the old people disperse, I wait for the dust.(Lu Xun) 四、教学过程: 1.学习和了解浙东唐诗之路的相关知识。 2.赏析相关诗歌,并学习诗歌翻译的技巧。 3.学生以小组为单位,对挑选出的有代表性的诗歌进行翻译练习。 4.老师课堂上对学生的翻译作品进行展示及点评分析,并展示参考译文供学生学习赏析。 五、教学总结: 通过本课堂的教学,可以让学生在了解“浙东唐诗之路”的背景,涵义、意义的同时,又学习了诗歌翻译策略和翻译方法,对中国文化中重要组成部分—诗歌的外译有了初步的认识和了解。 |